Last update:
Current version:

SPAM-Buster is a Java application for filtering SPAM based on statistical algorithms (currently Bayesian). The platform independant application can be used as graphical end-user client and additional service for mail server.
We just released our second version. It now comes with an improved bayesian algorithm based on Gary Robinson! It furthermore has several improvements:
  • Added algorithm of Gary Robinson (enhanced Bayesian)
  • Added online help
  • Added gui support for checking messages directly for SPAM
  • Removed sound output
  • Added more documentation / Installation tutorial
  • Added console parameters supporting training of different algorithms
  • Today our first version of SPAM-Buster has been released. We hope it will be a success. Grab it today!
    06/11/2004 - Homepage released
    A state of the art needs a corresponding homepage! Here it is. Some features will soon show up, so stay tuned!


    © 2004 by Marc Fritsche <>. All rights reserved.